
(Hot Actor), Interrupted

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago


(Hot Actor), Interrupted, July 12, 2008: In which I get cockblocked by my own subconscious.


I remember clearly that I was wearing an oversized button-down shirt at that point (white with blue pinstripe?) and I decided to leave it open but I was wearing a long pink sweater on top. Possibly no pants, I’m not sure. Kind of like a sweater dress… with shirttails hanging out. Hot. (In my defense, I had great legs in the dream—I sort of cast myself as my Ideal Me.) There was some kind of midnight pool party (?) going on at the end of a long grassy slope, like behind the houses, only the very coolest people from the bizarro formal party, I could just vaguely see it, and somehow I knew he was there, and even though a pool party was the last effing place I should ever be, I was determined to go down there. In my sweater dress. With the shirttails hanging out. My fine unpanted self.


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