Cowboys name their horses; I name my computers. Currently on Betsy 2.0 (what? I transferred all the files over! It's the same... consciousness?) Can be very opinionated:
I knew I was in trouble when I was over at the Buena Vista publicity site trying to download Hidalgo publicity stills for the Digest--now, remember, these are huge. I'm talking 10 MB per still. I'm talking life-size pictures, here--and the first message popped up: "You do not have enough room on your computer to save this file. WHORE."
Then an alarm message popped up:
You only have 7.85 MB of space remaining on your computer. This is a critically low amount of space. Seriously, are you stupid? You need 200 MB just to run me, goddammit, how many times do I have to tell you? And seven megabytes? Are you kidding me? That's not even enough to rub two MP3s together! What do you have on here, anyway? One-of-a-kind Orlando Bloom goat porn? In bitmaps? In triplicate? GOD.
So I spent the night (and today) cleaning files off my computer and transferring them to CD-RWs. The problem is that I've had an extremely high corruption rate, and so I'm scared to have files exist only on CD. Also, I only have 10 GB of storage space to begin with. (Yes, my computer is getting on five years old. Hush, or she'll yell at me again.) But I realized that the latest "Error! Move all critical files to another disk" isn't a disk error--it's an ACDSee (image manager) error, and when I move things straight from the file folder, I don't get that. So if I do get that, I can ignore it. Or something like that.
So now I have 223 MB free on my computer.
That's still pathetic, you know.
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