


I like Gladiator. You know why I like Gladiator? Connie Nielsen pretty much wears random bolts of silk through out the movie, and she rocks every single one. I mean, there are a lot of reasons I like Gladiator, but that's the primary one.



My ten favorite costumes



"Of course you still love me. I'm fabulous."


"Tee hee! I am still the most fabulous."


"Note to self: fabulosity not to personal advantage when freaks are in the family."


"Well, if you'd told me you were coming, I'd have put on something nice."


"Go play, Junior, my fabulous is concerned."


"This outfit bores me. Procure me another."


"You put that phone down right now, pal. And get me a better backdrop."


"Look, it's never going to work out between us. I'm fabulous, and you're my brother."


"What do you mean, we're over budget on sashes?"


"Oh noes! My grief for you is such that my fabulous has invented the corset!"





See also