Movies in Fifteen Minutes
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on February 2, 2007 at 5:48:28 pm
A brief history of Movies in Fifteen Minutes:
- May 9, 2004: I see Van Helsing in the theater and come home and knock out about 2500 words on a whim. The internet goes a little nuts. Van Helsing in Fifteen Minutes.
- May 11, 2004: I'm watching TV. "Hey, let's see if lightning strikes twice." Hannibal in Fifteen Minutes.
- May 15, 2004: Hidalgo in Fifteen Minutes.
- May 16, 2004: The Sunday after Van Helsing, I go see Troy. Troy in Fifteen Minutes. The internet goes a little bit more nuts.
- The following Thursday, an editor at Orion Books gets in touch with me about writing a book. Yes, it happened that quickly. No, I'm not making this up.
- I go on a panicked search for an agent to negotiate a contract and fire off a letter to a lovely agent I found listed online. By Monday, I have representation. We sign off on a deal for a ten-parody book, all new material.
- May 22, 2004: I'm watching TV again. Dracula (1979) in Fifteen Minutes.
- June 1, 2004: The Day After Tomorrow in Fifteen Minutes.
- June 7, 2004: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Fifteen Minutes.
All told, this is a level of productivity that will never, ever be seen again.
- Early July, 2004: I have a series of mild hissyfits over plagiarism (mostly people reposting entire parodies, usually Troy or POA/15, without permission or credit). Oh, those innocent, idealistic days when I actually thought I could police the interwebs.
- July 14, 2004: King Arthur in Fifteen Minutes.
- July 2004 - May 2005: I nearly have a nervous breakdown trying to write the book, considering that I've actually finished very few writing projects in my entire life.
- January 9, 2004: I take a break from book-writing to post Phantom of the Opera in Fifteen Minutes. The internet goes a little nuts. Again.
- October 20, 2005: Happy Bookday! Movies in Fifteen Minutes is released in Great Britain and various non-North American countries internationally.
The parodies in the book were all-new content and are not posted online. A list of icon entries that served as countdown previews:
Movies in Fifteen Minutes
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