
Movies in Fifteen Minutes

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on February 2, 2007 at 6:38:11 pm


A brief history of Movies in Fifteen Minutes:


All told, this is a level of easy productivity that will never, ever be seen again.

  • Early July, 2004: I have a series of mild hissyfits over plagiarism (mostly people reposting entire parodies, usually Troy or POA/15, without permission or credit). Oh, those innocent, idealistic days when I actually thought I could police the interwebs.
  • July 14, 2004: King Arthur in Fifteen Minutes.
  • July 2004 - May 2005: I nearly have a nervous breakdown trying to write the book, considering that I've actually finished very few writing projects in my entire life.
  • January 9, 2004: I take a break from book-writing to post Phantom of the Opera in Fifteen Minutes. The internet goes a little nuts. Again. (Yay!)
  • October 20, 2005: Happy Bookday! Movies in Fifteen Minutes is released in Great Britain and various non-North American countries internationally.

The parodies in the book were all-new content and are not posted online. The ten parodies (links are to icon entries that served as countdown previews):

From POTO/15 on, I've been posting parodies at a much more leisurely rate. All appearances to the contrary, the journal isn't dead; I just post somewhat infrequently. And I like it that way, because it keeps me from getting burnt out and the reader community from getting completely tired of my writing.

As of this writing (early 2007), a second book has been in planning stages (i.e., in my head) for about a year; I have a rough idea of the movies I'd want to do, but am still a little gun-shy from the stress of writing the first one.



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